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Let's discover Merlinn in less than 5 minutes! 💫


Merlinn is a tool that helps software teams investigate production issues quickly and efficiently using AI. Think of it as your personal assistant that knows your system and can help you troubleshoot problems.


For a detailed illustration, check out our 6-minute demo:

How does it work?​

Merlinn is a smart AI agent. It connects with your organization's systems, knowledge bases and communication channels and helps you tackle production issues in real time.

At the moment, we support a wide range of integrations such as DataDog, Coralogix, Github, Slack, Confluence, and more.

Getting started​

Getting started is easy and free! 🚀 Simply sign up here and continue to the quickstart section.

Get in touch​

If you want to chat about your use case, reach out to us via email ( or schedule a demo. Also, feel free to use Crisp at the bottom-right corner. One of the co-founders will get back to you ASAP!