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This guide shows you how to create a webhook to Merlinn in your Opsgenie account.


Merlinn uses Opsgenie Webhooks Integration in order to be notified when incidents/alerts happen. Once an incident happens, Opsgenie will send a webhook to your Merlinn account, kicking off the investigation.

For more information about Opsgenie webhooks, checkout the official documentation.


  • Working environment with an organization. If you don't have one, head over to the setup page.
  • A configured Opsgenie integration. To learn how to create one, check the Opsgenie integration guide.
  • ngrok tunnel that forwards traffic to your local Merlinn API. Install ngrok, start a tunnel at port 3000 (ngrok http 3000) and copy the tunnel URL.


Follow these steps to connect Merlinn to Opsgenie:

  1. Inside your organization settings, go to "Webhooks".
  2. Locate the "Opsgenie" integration and click "Add".
  3. In the modal, click "Generate" to generate a new secret and copy it.

Once you've obtained your secret, go to your Opsgenie account dashboard and follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > Add new integration.
  2. Search Webhook and click it
  3. Give it a name and click "Create".
  4. Go to the integration settings and choose “Authenticate with a Webhook account”
  5. In the Webhook URL, insert your ngrok tunnel URL followed by /webhooks/opsgenie, e.g
  6. Add a custom header called x-merlinn-secret and put your secret.
  7. Mark the Add Alert Description to Payload and Add Alert Details to Payload options.
  8. Click Save
  9. In the Alert Actions section, choose only Alert is created

That's it! Now Merlinn will be notified when an incident happens.